This article reflects on the making of ‘Daughter, there will be no home,’ a solo dance choreographed for my master’s degree in Creative Practice which sought to understand how contemporary dance making can express ecofeminist perspective. Ecofeminism is a theoretical perspective which argues that the oppression of women parallels and mutually reinforces oppression of the environment. Protest against nuclear technology was a galvanising issue for many ecofeminists. In this way, a suitable topic for my dance making was the activism of the women of Greenham Common, who formed a peace camp in order to non-violently resist the presence of nuclear weapons at an air base in Berkshire United Kingdom (UK). Based in the methodology of creative practice as research, specific methods used in my master’s research were improvisation, choreography and journalling. This article will discuss the theoretical and methodological framing of the dance and give a brief description of poetry, soundscape and costume used for the dance. Then, in detail, I will offer reflections upon themes that arose from the dance making.
@ The University of Waikato