Dance and Place: Body Weather, globalisation and Aotearoa


This article will explore the relationship between dance and place. Using the work of Body Weather (BW) practitioners such as Snow (2006), Grant & de Quincey (2006), and Taylor (2010), this article will explore their unique viewpoints and somatic approaches to engaging with place. Also the works of other scholars and movement practitioners will be used to investigate how place shapes dance practices (Alexeyeff, 2009; Brown, 1997; Gray, 2010; Mazer, 2007; Savigliano, 2009). BW threads within the Aotearoa/New Zealand contemporary dance scene will be traced, culminating in suggestions about the implications for practicing BW in an Aotearoa context. How understandings of movement can emerge from different environments is the focus of the research.

@ The University of Waikato